Pisgah Forest Elementary School Spotlight on Teachers!

Please take a few moments to complete TCS's Strategic Plan Survey! Open to staff, students, parents and community-- Your Feedback Matters!
Survey Links: bit.ly/tcsfeedbacksurvey
Direct Link: https://forms.gle/YfwKcupKSFW2VAfFA
Survey Closes on Friday, 9/13 at 5pm

School of the Week:
Pisgah Forest Elementary!
Principal: Amanda Lewis; Assistant Principal: Dr. Ben Alexander; Instructional Coach: Sarah Monteith
Pisgah Forest Elementary students are "forest rangers" and the school is themed around our beautiful Pisgah National Forest; with the Racoon as mascot!

Introducing TCS's Strategic Plan Survey! Open to staff, students and community-- Your Feedback Matters!
Survey Link:

Transylvania County Schools is moving to a new EZ School Pay system for school a la carte items-- but remember, all breakfast and lunch meals are FREE again this year for students!!

Transylvania County Schools is moving to a new EZ Pay system for school a la carte items; such as chips, drinks and the beloved Friday ice cream! Remember, all breakfast and lunch meals are FREE again this year for students!!

Transylvania County Schools is proud to announce that we are able to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to every student again this year, 2024-25.

Thank you to these volunteers from Calvary Baptist and First Baptist Churches who came out this Saturday and gave their time, talents and resources to help beautify some of our school campuses! #teachingeveryonetakeseveryone

Come out and support Transylvania County Schools!